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How to Easily Use Event Tracking in WordPress with Google Analytics

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WordPress is most certainly one of the most popular platforms to create website pages and posts easily with the ability to build in several options like Google Analytics for online event tracking. It can aid you or your business on how certain aspects of your website generate attention. Together these tools can be essential to stay ahead of your competition in the marketplace.

Don’t worry if you aren’t familiar with using Google Analytics within WordPress. MonsterInsights has ways to help novice users apply these great tools to get the most benefits for websites. The MonsterInsights plugin has made the entire process of adding custom event tracking much easier than it used to be and can be done in only minutes!

What Exactly Is Event Tracking?

Event tracking shows you how visitors to your webpage are reacting to your online content. Events can be any number of items including videos; click buttons, links, or even downloads. By adding event tracking to these event items on your webpage, you can monitor how many visitors click a specific button; play a video, or any other event item you list. This ability helps you tailor your website to the visitors you wish to attract and continue to generate interest.

With the default setting, only pageview hits are tracked with Google Analytics. If you want to see the results of your website links and call-to-action buttons on your online pages, adding Google Analytics custom events tracking with the MonsterInsights plugin is your best bet.

How To Make Event Tracking With Google Analytics Easy In WordPress

There are different ways to achieve this, but the easiest way for beginners is to use the MonsterInsights Custom Link Attribution. You must have the newest version of the MonsterInsights plugin installed on your computer to complete the process correctly. The Custom Link Attribution Feature gives you the ability to track your call-to-action buttons, as well as add event tracking to links on your page.

To add event tracking to a WordPress link, all you need to do is add the additional data-variable tags to the HTML of your link:

<a href="" data-vars-ga-category="Custom Category" data-vars-ga-action="Custom Action" data-vars-ga-label="Custom Label" >Example</a>

After adding these tags, MonsterInsights can track the WordPress links so that you can receive detailed reports of tracking information.

How To View Your Event Tracking Details

You will need to access the Publishers Report in MonsterInsights to view all of the details from your event tracking. You can view it by choosing:

  • Insights

    • Reports

      • Publisher

Once you are in the Publisher report, you can view the Top Outbound Links or Top Affiliate Links report listed. MonsterInsights makes using Google Analytics in WordPress easier than you think. Even if you have never used programming code for your website before, or are new to web design, custom event tracking can help you obtain the results you are looking for.

Let MonsterInsights do the hard work so you can concentrate on what is important for your webpage.

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